View a selection of the latest projects we have been working on at Rarcoola Structural
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Journey Beyond – Storage Shed

Due to the intricacies of the site at the Adelaide Parklands Terminal, other companies weren’t interested in taking on the design of the new storage

Brockenchack Wines Development

Rarcoola were approached by Bartsch Builders to undertake the design and construction of multiple structures, as part of a major winery expansion in the Barossa

Airlie Feedlot Cover - Under Construction

Airlie Feedlot Cover

Airlie Feedlot Cover was designed and constructed as a retrofit over standard feedlot pens. The design satisfies the challenges of pen slope, deep pens, and

180m x 6m Raceway Awning

This project provided a few challenges for our design and engineering team. This was on account of the scope being to blend in with aspects

32m x 18m x 7.5m Hay Shed

With hay becoming a premium commodity both domestically and internationally, the need for adaptable and functionable hay sheds has seen the designs evolve to maximise