Due to the intricacies of the site at the Adelaide Parklands Terminal, other companies weren’t interested in taking on the design of the new storage shed for Journey Beyond. At Rarcoola, we are always up for a challenge, and we were contracted to manage the entire process of the design, planning and construction of the shed.
Journey Beyond is one of the largest experimental tourism businesses in the country and their rail journeys showcase some of the most spectacular scenery Australia has to offer. This shed will be used to house mobile equipment for the loading of railway carts for the Gahn and Indian Pacific, that arrive and depart out of their Adelaide terminal.
Many things had to be taken into consideration with this project, such as train movements, proximity to the rail tracks, sloping land and no water from the structure was to flow back towards the tracks. Rarcoola undertook all council planning and building approvals, and this took some time to work through. Our project manager worked closely with council to ensure approvals were granted.
The final design called for a skillion roof to direct the water flow away from the tracks and we fabricated the galvanised cee section portal frame in-house. All construction was completed by the team at Wonganella Constructions.
The completed project is a 60m long x 6m wide shed with 3 chain driven roller doors, designed in a location to suit the needs of the client, and ensure operation efficiency. It was great to work with such a leading company that offers such a fantastic tourism experience that starts and finishes its journey right here in South Australia.